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RCIA - Adult Sacrament Preparation / RCIA Child Sacrament Preparation

When you had heard of the word of truth, the Gospel of your salvation and had believed in Him, you were marked with the  seal of the promised Holy Spirit.”

- St. Paul -

Adults and children older than 7 who desire Baptism become part of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Rite of Christian Initiation for Children (RCIC). Basically the process is the same, except that the RCIC is geared to a child’s level, depending upon the age of the child. An adult parish leader and coordinator direct this process. Meetings for instruction are set up in accord with the person or people (RCIA) or the child/children (RCIC), usually Sundays after the Liturgy. It is best to set up an appointment sometime in fall with the parish to finish the process for the Easter Vigil. There is only one caveat. If a person desires Baptism but has been previously married outside the sacrament of Marriage, the former bond must be annulled or convalidated (blessed) through the appropriate Church process before they can enter the RCIA for Baptism.

Adults seeking to be Confirmed or receive First Eucharist or celebrate Reconciliation, and anyone over the age of 17 who has not been Confirmed or had First Eucharist or Reconciliation and wishes to be, can call the Parish Office to set up an appointment to be included with those entering the RCIA. In the RCIA, persons are Baptized, Communicated and Confirmed on the same day, usually at the Easter Vigil. Those seeking to be Confirmed may also choose the Feast of Pentecost, appropriate enough for the sacrament.

Once again, it would be good to call the Parish Office (414-464-5033) in the fall of the year, so persons may be ready for the Easter Vigil or Pentecost.