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Arranging for the Funeral

It is appropriate to let the parish administrative assistant and/or pastor know of the death. Many times, word has already reached the parish, but not all the time. So be aware, the parish may not be aware of what the funeral director already knows. No funeral director is to set time for any service for the parish without contacting the parish administrative assistant and/or pastor first (414-464-5033). No funeral director is to presume the time they set for a service will be managed by the parish. If that should happen, there will be a rift between the parish and that director and/or business. Although as a matter of policy, we have never spoken of a preference for any funeral director to serve this parish. However, we reserve the right if we feel a director has not treated us with understanding or regard or respect. It goes without saying, professional understanding is expected.

Sometimes, a funeral Liturgy/Mass is not asked for by a family for one reason or another. In that case, the funeral service, not a Mass, but consisting of readings, psalms, prayers, songs, can be lead by the pastor, the pastoral delegate or one of the other members of the bereavement ministry at the funeral home. Canonically, it is not necessary for a priest to lead this kind of service. If a family who has membership at Blessed Savior, whether Catholic or not, prefers a service without Eucharist, Blessed Savior as a parish should be informed and we will be happy to serve.